Business improvement packages

Generate results with our business improvement packages.
The Tpas National Tenant Engagement Standards have led the way in helping organisations to understand what 'Excellence' in engagement is all about.
Following on from this we’ve created three business improvement packages, to elevate your engagement activities. Each package is designed to improve your performance, save money and maximise your tenant and community engagement outcomes.
Tap into our independent advice, experience and expertise from as little as £299. Ranging from the fast and affordable to the rigorous and impartial, start your journey in getting more from your engagement activities.
£299 members
£499 non members
What is it?
Maximise the value of engagement
Our fast and affordable package. We’ll help you understand how you are performing against the Tpas National Tenant Engagement standards.
We’ll quickly assess your current engagement activity against the national engagement standards to ensure you are maximising your engagement so it supports informing, shaping and evaluating your housing products and services.
Who is it for?
Individuals or a team looking for a critical friend to understand how they’re performing against the Tpas National Tenant Engagement standards.
What do I come away with?
After a desktop review with our consultancy team you will come away with a practical headline report and you will be advised on further development.
How do I book?
Contact us to kick start yourEssential journey.
What is it?
Unlock the business benefit of engagement
In addition to our essential support package we’ll take a deeper look at your current business objectives.
We’ll enable you to ensure your engagement activities are based on sound strategic decisions and principles that meet the Tpas National Tenant Engagement standards.
Who is it for?
An individual, team or organisation looking to identify short term performance improvements, reduce risk, work more sustainably or simply to stay compliant with sector regulatory requirements.
What do I come away with?
After a thorough desktop review and virtual meeting, we will meet with some of your key stakeholders to gather further evidence. You will come away with an action plan, detailed with short term recommendations; highlighted with good practice and improvements to enhance your engagement activities.
How do I book?
Contact us to kick start yourSmart journey.
£3,500 under 1000 units
£4,500 under 10,000 units
£5,500 under 50,000 units
£6,500 under 100,000 units
£8,000 over 100,000 units
What is it?
Enhance your organisation’s reputation with our independent and impartial Accreditation
Guided by our team of experts you will be assessed against the Tpas nationally recognised standards and then accredited for delivering the highest levels of engagement and involvement that achieves positive outcomes. For your tenants and your communities.
Who is it for?
An organisation that wishes to demonstrate their commitment to positive engagement throughout their organisation, community, partners, stakeholders and the regulator by becoming accredited with Tpas.
What do I come away with?
After completing our rigorous Accreditation process, the pro package will offer you the license to use our ‘accredited organisation’ mark for 3 years.
We will present this to you at your organisation along with your invited stakeholders.
How do I book?
Contact us to kick start yourAccredited journey.