
Showing 1 to 5 of 214 articles.

The inspectors are coming!

Monday 29th of April 2024

Check out the conversations from our recent LA & ALMO staff meet up

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Topics: Member Forums, National Housing Policies, Regulation & Standards, Membership Materials


Bayswater Tenants and Residents Association (TARA)

Tuesday 23rd of April 2024

When it comes to engaging residents, arranging activities, looking after their wellbeing and much more – Bayswater Court TARA sets the bar high.

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Homes England launch 'Building Remediation Hub'

Wednesday 3rd of April 2024

From Monday 8th of April the Hub will make it more straightforward for those responsible for the safety of buildings to apply for funding, and will ensure the collection of consistent data regardless of the height of the building.

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The top 5 Takeaways from the Tpas Decent Homes Summit

Thursday 29th of February 2024

The top 5 Takeaways from the Tpas Decent Homes Summit

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Have A Seat At The Table

Monday 5th of February 2024

In this blog, Kai Jackson, an associate at tenant engagement experts Tpas, discusses a new study designed to understand the barriers faced by people from ethnic minority backgrounds. The study aims to promote fair and inclusive services, exploring ways to improve the participation of tenants from ethnic minority backgrounds in landlords' influencing structures for a more representative and diverse community.

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