Engagement volunteering: Just when you get going and the world turns upside down
Tuesday 1st of November 2016

Kate Newbolt, our consultancy manager encourages volunteers to use their Tpas membership.
So there you go, you get motivated and excited and all set up to be part of an exciting new engagement project with your landlord, most likely you are counting the days to the first session and then out of the blue you get a text message, an email or a quick call informing you that things have been delayed!!! Maybe key member of staff can’t be there, has left or perhaps another problem has come about meaning that everything has come to a sudden halt.
I guess most of us have been there, sat at the table with a cuppa feeling fed up. We know we’ll get over it but nonetheless it’s a bit frustrating especially if you had to make personal arrangements to make sure you could take part and now you are left feeling that it was all for nothing.
Realistically this situation can easily be turned on its head if your landlord is a Tpas Member, all you really need is a little medicine called Proactive Positivity and it’s so cheap to obtain through your Tpas Membership by accessing the Knowledge Hub, in fact it is totally free to access. Get yourself logged on to the Tpas website and if you are not already registered with a login do it quickly now. Then within a few clicks you can select the membership area and the Knowledge Hub to search through options and download information along the lines of your interest, it’s just so easy! If you are not quite sure what to select or start with, my first choice recommended reading for any newly involved resident is our ‘ 9 Steps to Getting your Voice Heard’. I love this quick read Tpas publication because whatever you get involved in you will definitely want to be heard.
Of course we all know that once this happens you will want more ….
My point is, we are in times where things are a bit ‘topsy-turvey’ and so set-backs and delays are relatively common but it’s really about how we deal with it that counts most. The Knowledge Hub is stacked with examples of involvement that will give you plenty of ideas, knowledge and tips that will help you to get a really good flavour of the possibilities out there. Don’t come to a standstill your interest is a gift to your landlord, it could also be a massive benefit to your local community and other residents but most of all you will be waxing lyrical in less than six months about the great sense of achievement you are experiencing.
Also and before I forget, have a look at the Tenant View section of the website, sneak a peek at the many views of other residents, you never know it might even trigger you to submit your own views and opinions.
So don’t just sit there letting your coffee go cold, slurp it up and fill your boots with ideas and knowledge ready for when that meeting does take place, I promise you won’t regret it at all.