Getting more for less – let's focus on what makes a difference
Tuesday 6th of August 2019

We all want more for less right now, surely that’s got to be the challenge for everyone?
There is a belief that to get more for less you have to compromise on quality. Michael Hill, Business Development manager at Tpas explains why we believe that it is possible to get more from engagement without increasing the number of activities or time that landlords and tenants need to commit.
We are not talking about short-changing, taking an olive out of the salad like American Airlines in the 80s which saved them $40,000 a year. We are talking about re-thinking engagement, increasing outcomes and ultimately re-energising the tenant engagement sector.
We often get the question ‘how do you get more people involved’ or some say ‘tenants come along for a bit then walk away’. There are many answers to these dilemmas, some are about the target audience and their interests but to be honest, a lot of the answers lie a lot closer to home than we may be comfortable with.
Having meaningful activities with really good outcomes are some of the secrets to getting people involved – sounds simple doesn’t it?
Improved Session, on the road
Are your activities and outcomes robust to stand challenge, do you want to create a different environment that engages in things that matters?
After a successful debut at the recent Tpas National Tenant Conference in July, we have created an improved session that really wants to see what is happening as a result of engagement. Be prepared for some difficult questions as they are designed to get you to challenge what has gone before.
Afterwards, we believe that you will go away with a renewed confidence in what works well, and where you can make some significant changes.
Who should attend?
This session is suitable for everyone including involved residents, staff, Board members, Strategic Managers. This session will help re-set your focus and set you on a path to purpose-driven engagement with clear objectives.
When and where is it?
This is hot off the press but we are hoping to have something in Autumn, with more details still to come.
Register your details to be invited once the event goes live