Hull CC and WDH come together to share best practice
Wednesday 6th of November 2019

We're very proud of our 'Exemplar' accredited organisations and encourage each organisation to learn from each other.
We asked Hull City Council to write us a blog about the day they met with a fellow Exemplar organisation, Wakefield and District Housing to find out more about each other.
Well what a day we had at Wakefield and District Housing (WDH) in Castleford!
It was fantastic to meet and network with many different officers that feed into the estate management of WDH and also share good practice with them as they too were awarded the Exemplar status shortly after us.
John Scarr the Engagement Manager for WDH gave a presentation along with other officers about the ongoing works carried in relation to WDH’s estates and its expansion plans. Following this the Hull tenant group were taken to an event where WDH were engaging with local school children to plant bulbs in a communal area maintained by the organisation and showed operatives in the area at work maintaining the communal land. The group also met up with tenants who were involved in the Neighbourhood Management Board. After this the Hull tenants group travelled to an ECO homes development for them to see not just the homes but the area around and how it is maintained.
After the networking lunch we went on an estate walk with WDH tenants and officers, where John, his colleague Davi and a tenant representative explained how their estate management system works in terms of involvement with tenants, residents and partners to maintain the areas and alleviate such issues as flytipping and other related issues.
It has been a pleasure to visit another Exemplar organisation such as WDH, sharing experiences and best practice with like-minded individuals.
Hull will be returning the favour in 2020 when WDH and their volunteers will be invited to our tenant involvement service in Hull to spend a day with us.
Thank you once again WDH.