Increasing accessibility to Annual General Meetings (AGM’s)
Wednesday 13th of May 2020

Our Business Development Manager, Michael Hill will be collaborating with Andy Tye from UK Engage to deliver a webinar all about how you can make your AGM as accessible as possible. Here Michael makes the case for why maximum involvement in AGM's is important and have you can get more people engaged.
In all my years in housing, the one meeting that is generally the least attended is the AGM. Whether it is a local Community Group or a Large National Housing Landlord, it never appears to have the draw that it should. The fascinating thing is it is probably the most important meeting of the year.
It’s where the organisation gives a report of the last year’s activity, it shows the financial strength of the organisation, and is the place where fundamental changes to the way the organisation operates can be made.
Whether it was due to the formality, the venue or the time, making these events a bit more inviting is something not many organisations I have worked with have quite mastered.
This year, the covid-19 pandemic might just be one extra element to have an impact on attendance at an organisational AGM. I don’t want to sound too dramatic, but how safe will it be to be in a room with lots of people? How comfortable will people be going into a room of other people? We just do not know yet.
So what do you do?
We adapt, we become more flexible, and we change. The world right now is changing, our work practices are changing, and our lives are changing. Just look at how many people are Face timing, Zooming - and this is not just the ‘young ‘uns’ – it’s across the board. Technology is getting better and we are becoming more comfortable with it.
How do you encourage more people to interact in AGM’s, without having to go?
Even in the red-tape world of AGM’s there are some things that you may be able to do. We have arranged for Andy Tye, from leading elections company UK Engage, to take us through some digital options to make AGM’s far more accessible.
This hour-long, free to Tpas members webinar might not solve every problem, but it will give you food for thought to potentially open up and have a greater chance to demonstrate your true accountability culture.
Who is this for?
Staff and Board Members – this will give you a chance to open up your AGM and increase the opportunities for stakeholders to take part.
Residents – this will give you confidence to make suggestions to your landlord on how it might increase its accountability and transparency.
Free for Tpas members
£15 for non Tpas members
Click here to book your ticket