
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 articles.

Successful tenant scrutiny? We’re not there yet.

Monday 30th of October 2023

At the October meetup for LA and ALMO engagement officers we had some great conversations around tenant scrutiny – what’s working and what’s not...

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Topics: Scrutiny & Co-regulation, Member Forums, National Housing Policies, Membership Materials

My first few months as a Tpas Associate

Monday 30th of October 2023

Tpas' newest consultancy associate, Ellie Darling, talks about her experience and recent work with Tpas.

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TOWER Scrutiny Panel - How we use MS Teams

Monday 23rd of October 2023

Find out how BCH's resident TOWER Scrutiny Panel used Microsoft Teams to better communicate and share documents.

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When bad culture eats good scrutiny for breakfast

Wednesday 11th of October 2023

Michael Hill, Tpas National Consultancy Manager, talks about his session at this year's National Tenant Scrutiny Conference.

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Scrutiny Week 2023 - Everything you missed

Wednesday 11th of October 2023

Scrutiny Week 2023 has come to a close. Catch up on everything you missed here.

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