
Showing 51 to 55 of 214 articles.

Supporting Landlords to Meet the Tpas National Engagement Standards

Thursday 20th of May 2021

Positive About Inclusion explain how their courses will help landlords meet the Tpas National Engagement Standards.

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Topics: Tenant Engagement , Tenant Panels / Associations, Tpas Products and Services

Understanding what works for us

Monday 10th of May 2021

We asked Michelle Anderson-Dore, Head of Partnerships, Homes & Neighbourhoods Service, Kirklees Council to tell us their experience of working with Tpas to enhance their engagement activities

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The next meet up in July can not come soon enough in my opinion!

Thursday 6th of May 2021

Matthew Brown, Tenant Participation Officer from Selby DC attended our first Local Authority/ALMO Staff Member Meet Up on 29th April – here’s what Matthew thought of the session.

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Topics: Member Forums, Membership Materials

Tpas and the Health & Safety Executive

Wednesday 5th of May 2021

Michael Hill, Tpas Business Development Manager reflects on a recent meeting he was involved in on the important topic of building safety.

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No going back – how engagement has changed forever!

Tuesday 20th of April 2021

At our recent virtual members event, we explored the changes in engagement over the last 12 months and how engagement has changed forever..

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Topics: Member Forums

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