
Showing 61 to 65 of 214 articles.


Tpas top tips for getting ahead of the White Paper

Monday 7th of December 2020

It's a couple of weeks now since the White Paper came out - the Charter for Social Housing Residents - and I've been thinking about what this means for Tpas members and for the world of tenant engagement.

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Topics: Regulation & Standards, White Paper

The White Paper is right when it says that your landlord should treat you with respect. But what about your government?

Thursday 3rd of December 2020

Tpas policy advisor, Clare Powell blogs about the strengths and the gaps in the White Paper, charter for social housing residents. 

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Topics: Regulation & Standards, White Paper


Tenant engagement and empowerment shouldn’t be driven by policy announcements. It should be a continuous investment in making sure tenants have a voice.

Tuesday 17th of November 2020

Tpas members, ForHousing have just become accredited with Tpas. Here, Martyn Hague, ForHousing’s Director of Neighbourhoods talks about how they have welcomed the tests and requirements of the accreditation and discusses how the process has enabled better more strategic tenant involvement. 

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What does the Sustainability Reporting Standard for Social Housing mean for Engagement?

Tuesday 10th of November 2020

As the Good Economy launch the ESG Social Housing Working Group final report, Michael Hill, Business Development Manager for Tpas writes about why Tpas are an endorser for the project and what it means for engagement. 

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#Tpastowers is no more

Wednesday 28th of October 2020

So… that’s it….#Tpastowers is no more.
We have packed the last box, given away the last pieces of furniture and argued for the last time about whether we will ever really need those flyers again that we printed in 2009.
Tpas no longer has an office. It’s a strange feeling but an exciting one too.

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