
Showing 66 to 70 of 214 articles.

People Power

Wednesday 14th of October 2020

No-one has ever said to me they work in housing for the spreadsheets, process maps, frameworks, and strategies!

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EnviroVent - what we do and how can we help..

Tuesday 29th of September 2020

Our new commercial member EnviroVent talk about the work they do and why its important for our members

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Renaissance, Strength, Balance and Fun!

Thursday 27th of August 2020

Benjamin Dunks, creator of Renaissance MSP, a unique strength and balance programme that develops ‘daily life movement’ confidence through a series of exercises designed specifically for people over 60. Renaissance MSP will help you develop excellent balance and strength at every stage of your life.

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Topics: Tenant Engagement


Blog: Modernising Scrutiny with Emma Gilpin

Friday 14th of August 2020

Tpas Associate Emma Gilpin writes about an exciting project with Pickering and Ferens Homes that has seen them move away from a traditional scrutiny approach.

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Topics: Scrutiny & Co-regulation


Can small really be beautiful?

Tuesday 4th of August 2020

Christine Candlish, Chief Executive from South Devon Rural HA reflects on her move from a large HA to a small association in Devon and why they decided to join Tpas.

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