
Showing 76 to 80 of 214 articles.


Where is Social Housing’s Marcus Rashford?

Thursday 18th of June 2020

Our business development manager, Michael Hill writes this challenging piece to connect up his thoughts on the Marcus Rashford U-turn and the value of listening to residents. 

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Learn with Tpas: New Summer Programme

Wednesday 10th of June 2020

We're delighted to offer our new training summer program for all of our members.

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How Tpas accreditation has benefited us - Blackpool Coastal Housing

Wednesday 27th of May 2020

Caroline Lamprey, Involvement and Communications Manager at Blackpool Coastal Housing gives an insight into how Tpas PRO Landlord Accreditation has benefited their organisation and allows them to reinforce their commitment to resident involvement.

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Topics: Tenant Engagement , Tpas Products and Services


Reponding to the crisis - Community Gateway Association

Tuesday 26th of May 2020

We asked Tpas member, Sian Coulton, Community Engagement Manager at Community Gateway Association the tell us how she has responded to the crisis in your engagement role. 

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Tpas National online members’ event – Striding into a new normal

Wednesday 13th of May 2020

We blog about how our National Member event went on the 12th May

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