
Showing 136 to 140 of 214 articles.

We were the first ever SMART review client, this is what it did for us

Friday 6th of July 2018

Weaver Vale were one of the first to complete the SMART review last year. Read about Emma Gilpin, Neighbourhood Manager at Weaver Vale experience of going through the process. 

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"What I expect from the Housing Green Paper"

Monday 25th of June 2018

We asked Tpas board member and resident involvement manager at PA Housing, what he is expecting and hoping will come from the Housing Green Paper. 

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Are you listening and engaging with your community affected by regeneration?

Thursday 14th of June 2018

Some residents, in our experience, are resistant to change because of uncertainty and this causes anxiety and frustration. We help address these issues by explaining the facts in an impartial way, and to support residents through, what can be, a very difficult time and process.

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"We need to break away from doing things just because we’ve always done them that way"

Wednesday 25th of April 2018

Sally Smith, Tenant Participation Manager, Hull City Council writes a blog all about her experience of working with Tpas to deliver a ‘future proofing’ investigation event.

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Future proofing engagement

Wednesday 18th of April 2018

Tpas consultancy manager, Gillian Mclaren talks about the new technologies she's exploring with clients to improve their engagement activities.

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