
Showing 171 to 175 of 214 articles.


How we've retained our involvement accreditation

Tuesday 13th of June 2017

We asked Ongo as an highly experienced organisation to be re-accreditated with Tpas to share their top tips for preparing your organisation to go through the process and what value it brings to tenants and staff.

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We need to change the narrative with tenants

Tuesday 9th of May 2017

Here at Tpas we believe a big part of our role is to create the conversations that matter, be that on a local, regional or national level.

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What does an Engagement Officer actually do?

Monday 27th of March 2017

Our vice chair, Caritas Charles writes with candor about what a Engagement staff get up to day by day.

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The language of engagement is changing #tpasconf17

Friday 17th of March 2017

Tpas Chief Executive, Jenny Obsourne writes about the energy, fun, buzz, positivity and excitement that was the Monday and Tuesday of this week at our Engaging Communities Conference in Nottingham.

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Tenants should be used as empowered experts

Wednesday 8th of March 2017

Tpas training manager, Val Alker discusses why tenants should be used as 'empowered experts'.

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