
Showing 211 to 214 of 214 articles.

Cross Keys Homes resident board

Monday 29th of February 2016

Piece by Kate Newbolt on how tenants have real influence.

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Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports, Scrutiny & Co-regulation, Measuring Value

CEO speech to AGM

Thursday 18th of February 2016

At the TPAS AGM on the 8th February Jenny Osbourne delivered a speech to members: Looking back, Looking Forward It discussed the achievements TPAS have made over 2015 and looked ahead to the developments TPAS members can expect in 2016.

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Finding a way together

Thursday 18th of February 2016

A piece by our Consultancy Manager Emma-Jane Flynn on working collaboratively.

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Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports, Tenant Engagement , Customer Insight

Opinion: Better leasehold engagement is long overdue

Wednesday 20th of January 2016

The TPAS Leasehold Engagement Seminar in London concluded that development of relationships between landlords, leaseholders and independent advice is falling short.

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