
Showing 26 to 30 of 214 articles.

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Rochdale Boroughwide Housing, Housing Ombudsman and othering…

Thursday 6th of April 2023

Rochdale Boroughwide Housing, Housing Ombudsman and othering…

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Topics: Regulation & Standards

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Engaging Communities Conference 2023

Thursday 16th of March 2023

Everything we saw, learnt and did at the Tpas Engaging Communities Conference 2023.

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Deeds not Words

Thursday 2nd of February 2023

Tpas Policy & Insight Manager, Caritas Charles, talks about the year ahead, and changes coming within the Social Housing sector.

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Your Christmas Wishes

Wednesday 14th of December 2022

It’s the time of year when we tend to reflect, we pause if we can and take a moment to review the year. I would like to say it’s been a year of joy and optimism, but we all know it’s been far from that with the sector facing numerous challenges and the year ending in tragedy that has exposed faults both institutional and cultural.

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Back to the Future?

Tuesday 13th of December 2022

Tpas Policy Advisor, Clare Powell, talks about the recent changes at L&Q, and how the housing sector still needs to change.

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