Enquiry service
We offer our members support and guidance so if you need advice about a tenant engagement matter then get in touch with us.
How to get in touch
- Call us on 0161 868 3500
- Email us at info@tpas.org.uk
How we can help
Here’s the type of things we CAN help you with
- Good practice examples in tenant engagement
- Understanding the Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Regulatory Standard
- Involvement reviews
- Roles and responsibilities of being an involved tenant
Here’s the type of things that we CAN'T help you with
- Housing management issues
- Disputes
- Landlord complaints
- Repairs and maintenance
A few things to bear in mind
If you call us there might not always be someone in the office that can help there and then. Our expert staff are often out working with clients. Don’t worry though your enquiry will be passed onto someone at Tpas that can help.
If you email us your enquiry you might be asked to provide us with more detail about what you need help with so that we can give you a comprehensive first time response.
You will need to confirm your landlord or tenant group so we can check that you are a member. It will also help if you give us your name; email address and telephone number.
You can expect a response within 48 hours. If we need more time to gather information we will let you know.
If you are upset or irate about a situation don’t take it out on our staff. Remember that we are here to help you.
Useful organisations
If you are not a member of Tpas unfortunately we won’t be able to help you.
If you are a tenant living in the Private Rented Sector we also won’t be able to help as our role is to support social housing tenants.
You might want to contact the following organisations who also offer help and support:
Shelter - The Housing and Homelessness Charity
Housing Ombudsman Service - Independent service to deal with disputes between landlords and tenants in England
Citizens Advice - Provider of free information on a range of issues including housing; consumer; debt; discrimination; law etc
Upcoming training and events
- Investigating Complaints & Resolving Disputes
- Tpas North West Member Event (Free for members)
- Tpas North East Member Event (Free for members)
- Procurement & The Role of Customers
Latest news
- Unlocking the Power of Scrutiny - Workshop summary
- EDI - It's A Hot Topic!
- Tpas Response to the Government’s announcement on the Grenfell Report and Building Safety
- Government responds in full to Grenfell Tower Inquiry, setting out tough new reforms to fix building safety and strengthen accountability