Social Housing Green Paper - Tpas response

Wednesday 7th of November 2018

Tpas believe that the Green Paper, and the wider debate it has triggered about the role and purpose of social housing, is a once in a generation opportunity to develop a vision for Social Housing that is shared between tenants, landlords, government and the wider public.

As England’s leading tenant engagement experts, we have been particularly heartened by the way in which tenant voices, and tenant experience, has been foregrounded in many of the discussions.

Our response is based on three key principles that were developed through our consultation with our members over recent months. 

Download the executive summary

Download the full response


The three princples: 

1. The legitimacy of social housing as a tenure – it isn’t second-class housing and tenants are not second-class people.


2. The need to place tenants at the centre of future discussions, and to ensure that there is support in place for them to be part of shaping the next stage of this debate.


3. A call to work with us, and others, to build on what we know works. There is already excellent, proven and innovative practice in the sector and we should all commit to build on this.

Watch our chief executive, Jenny Osbourne talk through the key points we’ve raised in our response.


Tpas will be exploring how we can practically support tackling some of the challenges raised within the Green Paper as it passes through parliament.

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