Tenants help select new £10m repairs contract
Monday 22nd of January 2018

Several tenants involved in scrutinising the landlord’s services on behalf of all tenants were invited by emh homes Director of Property Services Adrian Cheetham to take part in the tender process.
Three companies were shortlisted and invited to meet with the tenants and representatives of emh homes. The contract was awarded to J Tomlinson Limited, an integrated building solutions business based in Nottingham.
The contract is worth £10m over five years, and will see J Tomlinson working alongside the emh homes internal maintenance team to deliver a responsive repairs service and vacant property refurbishments. The landlord has almost 20,000 properties across the East Midlands.
The tenants were impressed with the efficient and professional way in which the discussions were handled, and were pleased that they were involved in the process at every step of the way.
“We were delighted when Adrian invited us along,” said Mal Stocks, a long time emh homes tenant. “The repair and maintenance of our homes is perhaps the most important thing tenants are concerned about, so it was crucial that we got this right. We have seen good and bad over the years, so we knew what we were looking for and what we wanted from the service.”
Adrian Cheetham added: “We expect to form a strong working relationship with J Tomlinson which will help us grow and support the delivery of increased productivity and efficiencies for both emh homes and our tenants.”
Martin Ardron, Operational Director at J Tomlinson, said: “We are delighted to win the contract, further strengthening our longstanding partnership with emh homes. From our perspective it was great to see such strong tenant involvement in the interview and questioning. We are really looking forward to working with emh homes and its tenants to deliver a reliable and high quality service over the next five years.”
emh group is one of the largest providers of affordable housing and care and support services in the East Midlands, and employs over 1,100 staff.
The group consists of:
- emh homes – a social landlord with almost 20,000 homes
- emh care & support – a specialist provider of care and support services
- Midlands Rural Housing – providers of specialist rural development expertise and support for rural housing associations