Members' news
Showing 1 to 5 of 6 articles.

Welcome to Southern Housing Group
Thursday 22nd of November 2018
We're delighted to welcome another new member to the Tpas family..
Smoking in the home - new report from ASH
Wednesday 21st of November 2018
ASH have just published 'Smoking in the home: New solutions for a Smokefree Generation'. This report considers the impact of smoking in the home and what policy measures could be taken across all housing tenures reduce its prevalence, with the aim of protecting children and adults and supporting healthy communities.

Housing Ombudsman news
Wednesday 14th of November 2018
The latest news from the Housing Ombudsman - new consultation and green paper response
Topics: National Housing Policies

Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Impact Video
Tuesday 13th of November 2018
Check out this short video which shows the real impact of their tenant involvement and community engagement work.
Topics: Tenant Engagement

Welcome to our new members
Wednesday 7th of November 2018
We're delighted to welcome 5 new members to the Tpas family