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Showing 86 to 90 of 282 articles.


North Star Annual Report 2020

Monday 23rd of November 2020

North Star have shared their annual report for 2020

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Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports

Community owned pubs and shops show resilience in the face of Covid-19

Tuesday 3rd of November 2020

The Plunkett Foundation releases the 2020 ‘Better form of Business Reports’ on Community Pubs and Community Shops.

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The White Paper Warm Up

Thursday 15th of October 2020

With the White Paper due shortly, join us for this session to look at the principles of the Green paper and make sure you're ready to respond...

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Topics: Member Forums, Regulation & Standards

International Tenants’ Day 2020

Tuesday 6th of October 2020

International Tenants’ Day took place on 5th October, 2020 - this year’s theme was 'Housing for all – a better urban future'

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Abri - the new name for the partnership between Yarlington and Radian

Tuesday 6th of October 2020

Following the merger of Radian and Yarlington Housing Association, the organisation is now called Abri - read about their future plans and corporate strategy.

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Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports

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