Members' news

Showing 176 to 180 of 282 articles.


Welcome to our new members

Wednesday 19th of September 2018

We're delighted to welcome another 3 members to Tpas this month!

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North East Regional Members Event Roundup - September 2018

Tuesday 11th of September 2018

We’re just back from kicking off another round of our regional member events in York. Yesterday we met with a packed room of delegates with over 70 tenant volunteers and housing professionals eager to learn more about best practice from across the region and the latest news on the Governments Green paper.

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The future is digital at Hull City Council

Friday 7th of September 2018

The future is digital at Hull City Council

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Nottingham City Homes celebrate winning Landlord of the Year - a thank you to tenants!

Wednesday 22nd of August 2018

Nottingham City Homes were recently named Landlord of the Year at National Housing Awards 2018 - to celebrate this fantastic achievement they did something a little bit different!

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Topics: Tenant Engagement


Our new members

Wednesday 8th of August 2018

It's been a great few weeks with 5 new members join the Tpas family!

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