Members' news

Showing 256 to 260 of 282 articles.

Tpas AGM Wednesday 13th July 2016.

Wednesday 27th of July 2016

Our Tpas AGM took place at our National Tenants Conference in Warwickshire on 13th July 2016.

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Topics: Customer Insight

Housing Ombudsman’s Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16 published

Tuesday 26th of July 2016

The Housing Ombudsman has published her Annual Report and Accounts 2015-16.

The report sets out a year of significant change and positive achievement. The Housing Ombudsman, Denise Fowler, has led an organisational review that is transforming the organisation with a new strategy based on her vision, Housing Matters: Fairness Matters.

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Topics: Customer Insight

Gentoo secure over £470,000 grant from the Big Lottery

Tuesday 19th of July 2016

Following a rigorous application process Gentoo has successfully secured over £470,000 from the Big Lottery Fund for its Safety, Support and Crisis Team.

This successful grant marks a major achievement for the Group and will benefit some of the most vulnerable people in our city.

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Topics: Customer Insight

Colne housing CEO Sara Thakker on taking up challenges to provide housing

Tuesday 19th of July 2016

ASK Colcestrians what is the worst thing about their town and most will say it is the amount of new housing.

Colchester earned the dubious title of the second fastest growing borough in the country with an average of 850 homes being built every year.

But the town's infrastructure - its roads, schools and hospitals - are buckling under the strain of the demands of the booming population.

Ask Sarah Thakkar, the chief executive of the north Essex housing association Colne, the worst thing about Colchester, however, and she will answer differently.

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Topics: Customer Insight

Celebrating 10 years of transforming tenants' lives

Monday 4th of July 2016

July marks 10 years since Teesdale District Council transferred the homes it owned to Teesdale Housing Association.

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Topics: Measuring Value

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