Members' news

Showing 266 to 270 of 282 articles.

Futures Housing launches support service for customers

Monday 13th of June 2016

Futures Housing Group has launched a new support service that will boost the employment chances of its customers.

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Accessible housing solutions can help health service

Monday 13th of June 2016

Paul Gamble CEO at Habinteg comments on the impacts that accessible and adaptable housing can have on health and social care provision

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Living in sheltered accommodation but busier than ever

Wednesday 8th of June 2016

Futures Housing Group customer Roger Colby belies the stereotypical image of a sheltered scheme resident.

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Housing & Care 21 to merge with Sanctuary

Tuesday 7th of June 2016

Leading housing and care providers Sanctuary Group and Housing & Care 21 have announced their intention to merge.

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West Kent helps residents to keep the noise down

Friday 27th of May 2016

West Kent HA has created a unique flowchart to help tenants identify if they are a noisy neighbour.

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