Members' news

Showing 36 to 40 of 282 articles.

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New customer group aims to improve housing association services

Friday 3rd of March 2023

Plus Dane Housing has set up a new panel so that customers can have more of a say in holding the organisation to account.

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Demographic Profiling

Wednesday 1st of March 2023

Demographic Profiling by Tracey Williams,
Partners Foundation Limited

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Tenant Satisfaction Measures Pilot

Wednesday 1st of March 2023

Tenant Satisfaction Measures Pilot by Tracey Williams, Partners Foundation Limited

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Technology Agnostic Approach To Heat And Buildings Policy

Tuesday 21st of February 2023

The SEA’s report: ‘A Technology-Agnostic Approach to Heat and Buildings Policy’, chimes in with recommendations from the Government’s Independent Review of Net Zero and calls for changes to national policy development on decarbonising the built environment.

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Work begins for Lewisham’s first intergenerational new homes

Thursday 16th of February 2023

Construction has started on some of the most highly sustainable homes ever built in Lewisham. 

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