9 best practice actions by a Tpas accredited landlord

Tuesday 2nd of August 2016

Tpas started working with Plymouth Community Homes (PCH) in 2013, initially to carry out a review of Resident Involvement and Community Development. They became an accrediated landlord with us in February 2016. Take a look at their story here.

We identified a number of areas of good practice and suggested a few areas that needed to develop in order to offer a really efficient and robust structure. 


Here's 9 top best practice actions we spotted that PCH are doing


•          Equalities café: PCHs held their first Equalities café in July 2014 where staff and residents learnt about Domestic Abuse, while also winning an Advocacy and Awareness award, one of the first Landlords to win it.

•          Grow Share Cook: developed through a joint funding bid and numerous social enterprise partners- the aim is always to ensure projects are sustainable-which can only be achieved if evaluated- over 100 families benefit from free 2 weekly veg boxes and evaluations focused on health and diet benefits measured through periodical surveys.

•          Learn for free: reaching over 700 residents the  extensive ‘Learn for Free’ programme has a range of courses which seek to build capacity to engage, facilitate progression routes to further education or employment and deliver enhanced value for money and equality and diversity outcomes. PCHs also signpost external training providers offering a range of accredited qualifications. Learn for free is promoted to all residents through a quarterly leaflet.

•          Pembroke Street TMO is an excellent example of a landlord empowering and supporting a TMO

Involvement of residents in procurement- recently procuring a new sheltered housing care alarm contractor- resulting in saving money and increased satisfaction with the service

•          Lean review of repairs that involved residents involved service journeys and streamlining the service along with numerous improvements to increase efficiency.

•          Use of Resident Intelligence at Whitleigh area through profiling, planning and developing sustainable solutions to issues leading to demonstrable positive impacts.

•          At 97% collection rate of profile information across all of the equality strands is excellent practice.

•          Community development work in North Prospect, Ernesettle and Devonport.

•          Staff are aware of the role of resident involvement, have resident involvement targets, and are positive about resident involvement.


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