Asset-Based Community Development training with Nurture Development- Starts Sept 2023

Monday 22nd of May 2023

Exciting New Partnership formed to transform Community Development in the Housing Sector.

We are delighted to announce an exciting new partnership with Nurture Development. Widely recognised as one of the best Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) companies, with Cormac Russell, global leader in applying the work of Asset Based Community as its MD, this exclusive Tpas member only opportunity is not to be missed. 

This housing focussed ABCD training programme is exclusively for Tpas members, and we are pleased to offer it at a special member only price of just £200 per person.

This great member price gets you eight interactive Zoom sessions, (90 minutes per session) a combination of videos and other resource materials, plus a completion certificate. Moreover, it also offers you a fantastic opportunity to gain the skills and knowledge needed to re-design and transform community development in the Social Housing Sector.

Hear more from Cormac here:

Programme Dates
The programme will start in September and run through to November.  The dates are below 

Session 1: 7th September
Session 2: 14th September
Session 3: 21st September
Session 4: 28th September
Session 5: 12th October
Session 6: 19th October
Session 7: 26th October
Session 8: 9th November

Booking your place

You can book your place directly with Nurture Development by clicking the link below 

[Sign-up Here]

More Programme Content

Learning Outcome
Upon completion of this course, you will have reliably demonstrated the ability to use the basic principles and practices of ABCD in your community.

Course Learning Objective
Given a specific neighbourhood/ village or other such small bounded place,  you will be able to identify the eight touchstones of community building and summarise how you would apply some or all eight to that area.  

Module Objectives 

Module 1: Learning Objective: Upon completion of this module on the history and heritage of ABCD you will be able to:

  1. List the number of years taken, North American cities and local communities visited and stories that Professor John McKnight, Professor Jody Kretzmann and colleagues gathered in the early days of their ABCD research.
  2. Describe the relationship between the capacities of individuals and associations and power.
  3. Describe the five core principles of ABCD using examples. 


Module 2: Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this module on the Building Blocks of ABCD, you will be able to:

  1. List the six assets/building blocks of community.
  2. List the seven functions of community.
  3. Describe the relationship between community assets and community functions.
  4. Illustrate one or more of the seven functions using a story/stories.   


Module 3: Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this module on the Role of Professional working in Citizen Space, you will be able to:

  1. List the four most common ways that helpers show up.
  2. Compare and contrast institutions and communities.
  3. Illustrate using the metaphor of Humpty Dumpty the difference between help from institutions and building community at neighbourhood level.
  4. Be able to use the Helper’s Crossroads with others to speak about power-sharing                           

Module 4: Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this module on Asking the Right Questions, you will be able to:

  1. List the 13 most common features of powerful questions.
  2. Explain the Good Life Conversation.


Module 5: Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this module on  Getting Practical, you will be able to:

  1. List the seven principles of Community Building.
  2. Describe the dynamics of community building.
  3. Explain how small grants can be used as a help community building.   


Module 6: Learning Objectives: Upon completion of this module on Connectors and Animators, you will be able to:

  1. List the most common characteristics of a community animator and a community connector.
  2. Describe the relationship between community connectors and community animators.                                                        

Module 7 & 8: Learning Objectives: Upon completion of these two modules on the 8 Touchstones of Community Building, you will be able to:

  1. List the 8 Touchstones
  2. Describe the difference between touchstones and stepping stones (fixed models)
  3. Describe how you could apply ABCD in your community.                               


Self-Directed Learning
You should read and watch the material in each module before the Zoom interactive coaching session. The tutor will reference the videos, ebooks and pdfs during the session.


Participants can obtain a Certificate of Completion by answering the 6 multiple choice and true/false questions at the end of each module. You can print off your Certificate of Completion.


Module Assignments and Reflections
The assignments and reflections at the end of each module are completed either during or after the Zoom interactive session. They contribute to the group's shared learning, and the group's responses can be viewed in Module 10 of the course.


Here is the online link to a short demonstration course to give people a feel for the online training experience:



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