Estuary First Scrutiny Bootcamp
Wednesday 20th of March 2019

We asked Janice White, Performance & Customer Engagement Manager at Estuary Housing Association to tell us what changes they made after attending our scrutiny event.
Last September at the Federation of Estuary Residents (FER) and scrutiny, Estuary Residents Services Review Panel (ERSRP) annual team building day, the group discussed the falling numbers of residents involved in scrutiny and possible options.
After looking at other scrutiny panels; residents agreed it was best if everyone did further research before meeting again to make a final decision if to change the current way of completing scrutiny reviews.
Some residents attended the Tpas event. “The Changing World of Scrutiny” to find out how others scrutinise do their reviews.
When we all met up again in October the residents made clear that whatever option was chosen scrutiny had to remain tenant led and inclusive.
The group looked at various options e.g., committee style, task and finish, area committees. The consensus was to trail the bootcamp approach.
The mainreason was the possibility of including more tenants in the review process so that the voice of the tenant is heard.
We agreed that the first review would be run as a pilot. The cleaning and grounds maintenance service was the next on scrutiny’s list to be reviewed so it was selected for the pilot. Thirteen households, including the FER scrutiny leads, our first bootcamp from 9 locations. They all said they would attend another scrutiny bootcamp.
Take a look at our events calender for more scrutiny events near you.