It's time to renew your membership with Tpas
Thursday 6th of February 2020

Thank you to all Tpas members who demonstrate their commitment to tenant and community engagement.
Download our 2020/21 benefits leaflet
With resources ever-tightening, more and more organisations are investing in their engagement activities now.
Tpas are proud of our members who all share the same values and create insight and direction by working alongside residents.
In 2019 our membership network grew to include just over 230 landlords and we expect more to join us in 2020.
Let’s reflect on 2019
Over the year our members have been able to take advantage of a superb package of benefits and impressive price discounts so they could make the most of the resources they have. But above all, it showed that they are really committed to performing better and delivering excellent engagement, as standard.
More to come for Tpas members in 2020
Our mission is to help housing professionals and involved tenants to improve housing services, performance, comply with the regulatory requirements and unleash their ideas, information and cost efficiency potential.
In 2020 we’re launching new membership benefits including our National Scrutiny Network and we’re building upon our successful range of free webinars for members. We’ll keep our members ahead of the curve with policy and procedure as we’re launching a brand new set of National Engagement Standards to inspire and guide housing organisations to be more efficient and cost-effective.
This year the Tpas membership benefits will continue to be that practical tool on hand including our resource hub and our regional membership events.
Non-Members can’t benefit from any of this. They can’t use any of our extraordinary resources, get price reductions of our courses and events or receive automatic updates on case studies and changing to policy direction as they happen. Only members can.
So if you’re serious about raising standards of tenant engagement in your organisation and across the sector then being a member of Tpas is the only option.
Let’s step up tenant and community engagement together.
What next:
Simply pop an email to let us know you’ll be renewing or creating a new membership with Tpas and we’ll get the ball rolling.