Join the New Tpas Measuring Engagement Club

Wednesday 19th of July 2023

New for 2023 – The Tpas Measuring Engagement Club

Why a Measuring Engagement Club?

One of the ongoing challenges when comes to engagement is measuring its impact and value, specifically:

  • How do we show our engagement methods are working for tenants?
  • How do we capture what difference it has made?
  • How do we demonstrate we are meeting the regulatory requirements?
  • How do we know if our engagement strategy is delivering the planned organisational outcomes?

With the new regulatory era upon us, it’s likely that all of the above are going to be even bigger issues going forward!

We know that while many of you have systems and processes in place to measure engagement, we also know many of you also want to improve and innovate in this area too, so this is where the new Tpas Measuring Engagement Club comes in.

The Club provides a collaborative space for members to focus exclusively on measuring engagement, exploring issues such as:

  • What methods are being used now? Do they work?
  • What else is out there? What can be learnt from other sectors about capturing value?
  • How will the engagement TSM’s impact on our approach?
  • How can engagement practitioners work effectively with insight/data teams and systems?

How will it work?

The club will have its own Tpas Connect Group specifically for measuring engagement issues and conversations. The group will be for staff only and we will be looking to attract both engagement staff and insight/data staff, so we get a have a wide range of views and experiences.

In addition to Tpas Connect, we will be hosting quarterly online meet up sessions with guest speakers and facilitated themed roundtables.

The meet ups will take place on:

11th October – 11am – 1pm
17th January – 11am – 1pm
17th April – 11am – 1pm

How do I join?

Email your details to and we will invite you to join the online networking group.

You can book your place on the meet ups using the links above.

Are you a member?

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