Labour launch Housing Review
Thursday 19th of April 2018

Tpas chief executive, Jenny Osbourne introduces Labour's social housing review.
Today has seen the launch of the Labour Housing Review
Tpas welcomes the bold intentions and ambitions on increasing the supply of more affordable homes nationally, a redefinition of affordable homes linked to local incomes rather than market prices and an intention to stop the conversion of existing much needed social housing homes to affordable rents.
We are heartened to see a strong focus on making homes safe and making fire safety the first standard in a new decent homes 2 programme.
Tpas particularly welcome the focus on giving tenants clear expectations around involvement and putting a higher emphasis on consumers rights standards as part of the regulation of social housing as well as the current focus on financial viability and professional governance of the sector.
We note too the commitment to establishing a national voice for tenants to ensure that tenants and residents are included in national policy discussions and decisions.
Look out for our Tpas Member Briefing on the review in more detail on Monday
Download 'Housing For the Many, Not The Few' - Labour Housing Review