Net zero carbon; how are we going to get there?

Tuesday 26th of January 2021

Placeshapers and Tpas are pleased to present three roundtables to hear your views on engaging residents and communities in meeting the net zero carbon target.

We know that UK Government has committed to reaching net zero carbon (NZC) emissions by 2050. Our homes are huge emitters of carbon, so to meet this target how we heat both new and existing housing stock must change.

This presents a huge challenge for the social housing sector. Building zero carbon new homes is the ‘easy’ part. Far more challenging is upgrading the existing stock we currently own, working with the residents who live in these homes. 

The social housing sector, working with the BEIS department, is working to pilot innovation in whole house retrofit and to explore funding options for the work landlords need to undertake. We recognise though that there has been only small scale work undertaken to date to engage residents and communities in the NZC target and what it will mean for them.

What are we going to do?

PlaceShapers and Tpas will host three roundtable events for residents. Each roundtable will be held on zoom, for 90 minutes.

The purpose of the events is to listen to residents and hear your views and insights. We want to know how much you know about the NZC target and what you think it might mean for you, your home and your communities.

We are not looking for you to know detail about the subject, we want your ideas and comments and question. This is still early days so the sessions are an important step in simply starting and generating discussion on this looming agenda.

However, we would be particularly keen to hear from any residents who can talk about any successful projects on resident engagement that they have been part of and the lessons we can learn from this.

When are the sessions?

Monday 22nd Feb – 10am-11.30am

Wednesday 24th Feb – 5pm-6.30pm

Thursday 25th Feb – 2pm-3.30pm

How to book

To book on a session please click here

The sessions are free to attend


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