New Regime to Deliver Decent Homes for Social Housing Residents
Friday 5th of April 2024

Landlords will now be routinely inspected and held to account, to make sure they provide their residents with quality homes and services. Those who do not abide by these new rules face a range of potential sanctions, including appointing new management or unlimited fines.
This represents the most significant change to the regulation of social housing in a decade and follows the Social Housing (Regulation) Act, a landmark moment for the social housing sector. These new powers mean the Regulator can drive up standards and take action where providers fall short.
The rules now require landlords to:
Have an accurate record on the condition of every home, based on checks of properties so landlords can understand any problems and take action.
Set clear timelines for the completion of repairs, maintenance and planned improvements, communicating them clearly to tenants.
Give tenants opportunities to influence and scrutinise their landlord’s services such as through meetings with tenant organisations.
Provide tenants with information about their rights and how to make complaints.
Publish the new tenant satisfaction measures to make it clear how tenants feel their landlord is performing and hold them to account.