Nottingham City Homes celebrate winning Landlord of the Year - a thank you to tenants!
Wednesday 22nd of August 2018

NCH thanks tenants for Landlord of the Year accolade
Nottingham City Homes held an event to thank its tenants for their commitment to the city, after the UK Housing Awards named it Landlord of the Year for 2018.
Among the many reasons for this outstanding national achievement is the organisation’s commitment to tenant involvement, and putting customers at the heart of everything they do.
Tenant representatives play a key role on the NCH Board and tenants have established a network of ‘street and block champions’, who are helping to build engagement within local communities.
The ALMO also places a strong emphasis on its relationship with local tenants and residents associations (TRAs), regularly attending community meetings to address any local concerns and consulting on a range of community issues. NCH has supported tenant groups who want to carry out their own projects to improve their neighbourhood, and NCH staff have even helped volunteer in their own time.
Over a hundred tenants and representatives from NCH and Nottingham City Council gathered at the Council House for afternoon tea on Tuesday 14th August to celebrate the organisation’s successes.
To show their gratitude for tenants’ unending support, Nottingham City Homes’ Chief Executive, Nick Murphy and Chair of the Board, Malcolm Sharp doned an apron to serve the afternoon tea to their guests.
NCH tenant of 20 years, Angel Dieckvoss, said:
“I don’t expect there’s many landlords like ours. NCH has given me a huge amount of support, giving me a voice as a tenant, as well as supporting me to better myself. Those of us who are involved are here to give our honest opinions on services, to make sure we work together with NCH to make improvements and create an even better experience for our fellow tenants. This isn’t a ‘them and us’ relationship, it’s like being part of the wider NCH family.”
Nick Murphy said:
“Today is an opportunity to thank all our involved tenants for everything they do to support Nottingham City Homes, our vision and values.
“We are here to create homes and places where people want to live, and support our customers as best we can. This event has been organised to show our gratitude to our involved tenants for the contribution they have made to us achieving the title of Landlord of the Year.”
Following the event one tenant who attended had this to say about the day:
“This event could have so easily been about NCH telling us how great they are – but the focus was very much on us, the Street and Block Champions and other involved residents, and I for one feel really valued.”
For more information on Nottingham City Homes and the part it is playing in the transformation of the city, visit the website:
Nottingham City Homes were also the 2018 National Final Winner for Excellence in Tenant Engagement​ at this years Tpas Awards
To view our case study on their work click here