Tpas Member Online Roundtable sessions

Wednesday 24th of June 2020

Tpas Virtual Roundtables – all you need to know

What are they?

Our roundtable discussions are an opportunity for our members to get together in a digital setting to offer insight and solutions to some of the big engagement issues facing the Housing Sector today.

They involve a relatively small number of participants (max 12) who are invited to attend after registering their interest with Tpas. One of most important aspects of a roundtable is that all participants are on an equal footing so everybody has an equal right to participate.

We are running these sessions in conjunction with our landlord members, as partnership working is at the very heart of what Tpas does.

Each session will ideally have 6 staff members and 6 tenants taking part.

Due to the success of our first two sessions, we have added more dates!

Round table programme




What will engagement look like after lockdown?

1st July

11am – 1pm



What will engagement look like after lockdown?

7th July

2 - 4pm


Broadland HA

We don’t do Digital - What about those left behind?

13th July

2 – 4pm


Gloucester City Homes

We don’t do Digital - What about those left behind?

16th July

11am – 1pm


South Yorkshire HA

Engagement in care and support – what does excellence look like?

20th July

11am – 1pm


Local Authority Engagement – what’s the future?

22nd July

11am – 1pm


Leeds CC

Scrutiny – where next for scrutiny

27th July

11am – 1pm

 Phoenix Community Housing

Tackling stigma – where are we now?

29th July

11am – 1pm


Kettering  BC and See the Person Campaign Martyn Lund

Resident Engagement and Building Safety – where next?

Date TBC


The repairs service – what should it look like in a COVID world?

Date TBC


 Scrutiny in Local Authorities

 29th July 2-330pm

 NW Leicestershire DC

How do I book on one?

Register your interest by emailing

Please confirm which 3 roundtables you would be interested in taking part in, we will then contact you to confirm which roundtables you have been allocated to.

Interested in hosting a session?

We are looking for Landlord members to co-host these roundtable sessions.  If you would be interested in hosting, please email   

The host role will include welcoming participants, conducting introductions, highlighting the ground rules, and briefly setting the scene in relation to the topic. You will then hand over to the facilitator who will get the discussion going.

Read our blogs written by attendees from our first sessions.  Thank you to Jenny and Helen for sharing their thoughts.