Tpas Virtual Member Event looks at ASB with partners Resolve and ASB Help
Wednesday 24th of February 2021

Effective customer engagement relies on many things, just look at the fab Tpas standards if you want to see what. But the truth is that even if Landlords have all this in place, engagement will still struggle, if the repairs are poor and the antisocial behaviour service is inadequate.
Quite simply, if tenants can’t trust their Landlord to get the two services that matter most to them right then they are never going to trust them enough to bother engaging with them other than to vent their frustration maybe!
That's why it is so important that Tpas looks beyond engagement at these other key housing services. And so our first national members’ event of 2021 focused on ASB.
We welcomed three key speakers Rebecca Bryant from Resolve, Alex Wigley from Guinness Homes and Rebecca Brown from ASB help.
Each speaker gave over 50 of our members an interesting and detailed insight into different aspects of ASB including
- What the White Paper says
- How ASB complaints are triaged in a large Housing provider
- What the community trigger is all about.
Their presentations can be found in our online resource hub and the recording of the event is well worth a listen too
But the three key things that stood out for me from the event were
- ASB performance measures – these will be tricky to get right because ASB is very much about perceptions, but if we stand any chance of getting them right, residents must be fully engaged in shaping the measures and also the service generally. (Would be fascinating to see what a co-designed ASB service would look like?)
- The Community Trigger – this is a great tool that just has to be promoted more, understood better and used more effectively by Landlords and partner organisations.
- Stigma – this was raised by a tenant member in the session. She talked passionately about how anti social behaviour is seen by many as a social housing problem, and how she is stigmitised because of this. Clearly more needs to be done to show that ASB is a society problem not a tenure problem!
So although the national event is over, I think this is just the start in some ways. Tpas will be working with partners to help raise awareness and understanding of the community trigger, as well as championing meaningful tenant engagement in this service. And the good news is that we are already on it, so do keep an eye out for more stuff to come on this.