Trends in how landlords are meeting the regulatory requirements

Tuesday 17th of May 2016

Many organisations consider accreditation as a business strategy to support performance improvement.

Tpas review the standards for accreditation every year to ensure that they take into account the feedback from previous clients and to ensure that in achieving them, enables organisations to meet regulatory and statutory requirements.  The standards are as relevant to organisations as possible to ensure that resident involvement and engagement makes a difference - we also use the accreditation for any Resident involvement reviews we are asked to do for organisations.

Delivering the accreditation puts us in a unique position of  working with residents, staff and Board members to understand how they can support improvement and drive a customer care culture further forward in their organisation. These outcomes are highly valued by everyone.

The time is upon us again, we know that political and economic challenges are unprecedented and as a result, we are looking at how and where we need to update the accreditation in the forthcoming months in terms of the standards, criteria and the way it is delivered. 

We are hearing some feedback from our clients about them moving to more digital and accessible services that improve the customer experience, also there is a much greater emphasis on the creation of social value and improving the evidencing and impact of involvement. As a result, the top topics we need to increase our emphasis on our standards are around:

  • Digital inclusion
  • Return on investment
  • Impact and the use of customer insight.

That being said, most of the current criteria are still very relevant as we look for evidence of all of the above in all organisations going through the accreditation process.

We would appreciate your views to help us do this, if you are interested and are an accredited landlord or currently in the process of accreditation we would like you to get in touch so that we can include you in the review.  It will not take up much time; we may have a focus group with you or give you a call to talk this over.


More information about our landlord accrediation