Welcome to our new member, Eastbourne Homes
Monday 5th of December 2016

We asked Eastbourne Homes a little bit about themselves and why they decided to join Tpas...
• Tell us a bit about your organisation
Eastbourne Homes is an ALMO with 4105 homes. We have 4 resident area panels that cover the estate we manage on behalf of Eastbourne Borough Council and a leasehold forum.
• Its brilliant to have you on board, why did you decide to join Tpas?
To strengthen our resident engagement, ensuring that it is fit for purpose and supports our residents to enable them to tap into the resources Tpas can provide.
• What are you looking to get out of your membership / what benefits are you keen to access and why?
We look forward to evaluating our engagement approach against National Standards accessing the wealth of knowledge and experience that Tpas can provide, via direct support and training opportunities.
• Why is tenant engagement so important to your business?
Councils face challenges in the provision of public services and it is important for us to work in partnership with our residents to shape the future of the services we provide.
• Why is tenant engagement important in the social housing sector?
Social housing tenants know their homes and communities better than anyone else and with that insight comes the ability to make a huge contribution to the areas in which they live.
For more information on becoming a member, click here or call Lisa on 0161 868 3500