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Showing 6 to 9 of 9 articles.

Still Not Tracking the Impact of Your Engagement?

Wednesday 14th of June 2017

Blog by Val Alker, Training Manager

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Topics: Measuring Value


How we've retained our involvement accreditation

Tuesday 13th of June 2017

We asked Ongo as an highly experienced organisation to be re-accreditated with Tpas to share their top tips for preparing your organisation to go through the process and what value it brings to tenants and staff.

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Welcome to our new members

Tuesday 13th of June 2017

We are delighted to welcome two new members to the Tpas family..

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The Tpas CIH conference and exhibition schedule

Wednesday 7th of June 2017

Every year the CIH Housing exhibition and conference is a big week for the Tpas team.
This year we’ll be welcomed by friends to launch our national engagement report on their exhibition stand, our team will be attending lots of workshops of the 3 days including government keynotes, policy and strategic sessions.

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