News and views
Covering every aspect of national tenant engagement news, opinion and activities, this is your place to keep pace with our member news, latest housing sector news and our opinion pieces.
Showing 1 to 5 of 10 articles.

Digital inclusion : What can tenant engagement teams learn from Barclays?
Thursday 30th of November 2017
Our communications manager, Rae Watson reflects upon what the housing sector has in common with Barclays bank to tackle the digital inclusion challenge.

Grant awarded to help community group become local developer
Wednesday 29th of November 2017
A £4,500 Council grant will allow a group in Cottenham to become the first community organisation in South Cambridgeshire to bring forward their own affordable housing schemes.
Topics: Community Engagement, Volunteering

Welcome to L&Q
Tuesday 28th of November 2017
L&Q are the latest Organisation to join the Tpas family.

A Bird's Eye View of Housing
Tuesday 28th of November 2017
Our member Emma Lindley from emh homes give her thoughts on a range of housing issues.
Read her interesting and thought provoking blog here...

Journey mapping with our customers
Wednesday 22nd of November 2017
Jeremy Brock, Customer Involvement Manager, Thirteen Group talks through his experience of learning about their customers through journey mapping.