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Showing 1 to 5 of 12 articles.


Once the Green Paper is here we'll be ready with Summits...

Tuesday 31st of July 2018

Once the Green Paper is launched we're ready to kick start summits to connect Tpas policy experts with tenant and community engagement professionals from across the country to assess together, in detail, what the Green Paper means for how landlords will deliver services to your residents.

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We love our street art in Hull!

Tuesday 31st of July 2018

Redeveloping an area can be a really frustrating time for the residents who live there. Hull City council worked with a graffiti artist to make a positive contribution to the neighbourhood while the acquisition and demolition phase was going on.

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Tpas AGM 2018

Tuesday 31st of July 2018

The Tpas AGM took place on Wednesday 12th July at the end of the first day of our National Tenant Conference.

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Topics: Strategies, Plans & Reports, Membership Materials


FREE Member events now available to book

Monday 30th of July 2018

Book your place at our forthcoming member only events, taking place in September and October 2018.

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Topics: Member Forums


Tom Murtha's Keynote Speech from the Tpas Conference 2018

Wednesday 25th of July 2018

It’s Tpas’s 30th birthday this year so our opening session was a little different to celebrate that. It’s a perfect time to pause and reflect on where social housing has come in that time and take a look forward to where it can go next. With his wealth of housing experience and history of campaigning, let Tom guide you through some of the key highlights, and lowlights, of the past 30 years of housing and involvement. When we understand the past we can better shape our future.

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