News and views
Covering every aspect of national tenant engagement news, opinion and activities, this is your place to keep pace with our member news, latest housing sector news and our opinion pieces.
Showing 1 to 5 of 7 articles.

Renaissance, Strength, Balance and Fun!
Thursday 27th of August 2020
Benjamin Dunks, creator of Renaissance MSP, a unique strength and balance programme that develops ‘daily life movement’ confidence through a series of exercises designed specifically for people over 60. Renaissance MSP will help you develop excellent balance and strength at every stage of your life.
Topics: Tenant Engagement
Tower Block UK launch 'Fix My Block'
Tuesday 25th of August 2020
Tower Blocks UK, an organisation dedicated to housing safety issues in the UK tower blocks have created 'FixMyBlock', a website to help residents take action on problems in their tower.

Blog: Modernising Scrutiny with Emma Gilpin
Friday 14th of August 2020
Tpas Associate Emma Gilpin writes about an exciting project with Pickering and Ferens Homes that has seen them move away from a traditional scrutiny approach.
Topics: Scrutiny & Co-regulation
Launch of Planning for the Future white paper consultation
Tuesday 11th of August 2020
The government has set out new plans to overhaul the planning system in England and reform the way the country builds - have your say by taking part in their consultation which is open until 29th October 2020.

Thank you for taking part in #ScrutinyWeek
Thursday 6th of August 2020
Thank you to everyone that took part in #ScrutinyWeek
We are thrilled with how the week went and will be busy over the next couple of weeks getting in touch with all our delegates, showcase starts and participants to thank you for your time.