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Showing 1 to 5 of 6 articles.

The LEASE building insurance survey - take part today

Tuesday 24th of September 2024

Take part in the LEASE Survey - Over 3,000 leaseholders have participated in the survey. This is a fantastic result, but they would like more.

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Topics: National Housing Policies, Regulation & Standards, Leasehold/Shared Ownership

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The Tackling Stigma Journey Planner

Thursday 12th of September 2024

The Stop Social Housing Stigma (SSHS) working with the University of Durham, Sheffield Hallam University, Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH), TPAS and YD Consultants has launched their Tackling Stigma Journey Planner at a packed session at the Housing Community Summit on 9th September 2024 (the first session of the conference).

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MP who grew up in council house elected chair of housing select committee

Thursday 12th of September 2024

Florence Eshalomi MP has succeeded Clive Betts MP as chair of the committee

Florence Eshalomi MP has been elected as the new chair of the select committee responsible for scrutinising government housing policy.

Shaun Davies MP, the newly elected Labour MP for Telford, also contested the position but received 121 votes compared to Eshalomi’s 437.

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Topics: Press release

Tpas Grenfell Statement - 5th September 2024

Thursday 5th of September 2024

Yesterday saw the publication of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase Two Report.
There is a huge amount to take in from the document and we will engage with members once we’ve had the opportunity to reflect on the findings in full.

What is clear is that this is a truly heartbreaking and sobering read for everyone living and working in social housing.

When trust collapses between landlords and tenants, and when the voices of people living in social housing are left unheard, there are consequences – in this case, they were deadly.

Our hearts go out to all the survivors and bereaved families and our thoughts will always be with them.

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Introducing our Six Minute Engagement Essentials: A Brand New Tpas Member Benefit!

Tuesday 3rd of September 2024

We’re delighted to launch our new and free member benefit. This quick, yet comprehensive training video around tenant engagement will help you to gain a valuable insight into better engagement.

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Topics: Tenant Engagement , Digital Engagement, Membership Materials, Tpas Products and Services, Engagement

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