Our Accreditations and Quality Marks

Tpas accreditations are here to help you develop a strong culture of involvement across your organisation and drive business improvements with your tenants and customers.

If you want assurance and validation that you are delivering excellence in tenant and community engagement then talk to us.

The National Tenant Engagement Standards provide a framework for the Tpas Accreditations.

Download the latest standards here

Tpas Resident Involvement Accreditation for Landlords 

Demonstrate your commitment to tenant involvement. Tpas offer the only independent evidence-based accreditation scheme that assesses your resident involvement arrangements. By completing the rigorous accreditation process you demonstrate your commitment to resident involvement and ensure your approach is effective and offers the best value for money. Join over 20 other landlords across England who have aspired for, and achieved, the best in tenant engagement.


"Tpas has strong reputation and is Nationally recognised as England’s leading tenant engagement experts, they are always great to deal with and have a defined and recognisable professional, friendly and committed culture.We are long standing members and have used Tpas for training, conferences, expert advice and have delivered workshops at conferences as well as being involved in trailblazing projects such as the Engagement Maximiser with Voicescape.

Greatwell Homes are now recognised as one of Customer Engagement Experts in the country. Fantastic feedback from Tpas and an external independent panel highly commended us for our approach after completing a rigorous desk top investigation and speaking to customers and staff to validate their findings.

As an organisation we invest heavily and put a lot of time and effort into customer Involvement compared with other providers, this means we must be great at what we do.

Achieving the accreditation confirms that our approach to engagement and the outcomes delivered show value for money for our investment and it is well worth the effort."
Nikki Glazebrook, Senior Community Involvement Officer, Greatwell Homes

Find our more about our Landlord Accreditation

Prices start from £6,800 + VAT

Tpas Resident Engagement Accreditation for Contractors

Get a competitive advantage. Many major clients will recognise your accreditation certificate as confirmation of your competency, credibility and commitment to achieving brilliant tenant involvement standards.

Our Accreditation Service tests directly against our Contractor Resident Engagement Standards and is fully aligned with our Landlord Accdreditation service. This includes:

  • Self-assessment that the contractor completes and returns to their named Tpas contact
  • Review of a range of relevant documentation and desktop analysis
  • A survey to various staff members
  • Reality checking utilising virtual and possibly in-person focus groups, interviews and visits
  • A feedback report detailing good practice and recommendations

On achieving the award we will present you with a certificate and plaque showing your commitment to meaningful resident engagement.

Contact us to find out more about our Contractor Accreditations 

Prices start from £7,650 + VAT

Tpas SMART Review for Contractors

Our revised SMART review for contractors gives the perfect starting point for those organisations that want to test out how they meet the Tpas Contractor Resident Engagement Standards.

This lighter-touch process will provide a feedback report that will set out the good practice shown by the organisation alongside a series of recommendations and potentially an action plan.

It all starts with a self-assessment as well as some desktop analysis by one of our engagement experts and also includes some reality checking.

Contact us to find out more about our Contractor SMART Review

Prices start from £3,600 + VAT

Scrutiny Assured Quality Mark
The Scrutiny Assured Quality Mark has been developed to help you to demonstrate your excellence in Scrutiny. It is designed to provide assurance to board, tenants, and other stakeholders, that your Scrutiny work meets high standards, recognised by Tpas.

More information coming soon!

What people say

Tpas Landlord Accreditation

The accreditation process refocuses our minds to real customer engagement and provides an independent check in our organisational wide assurance mapping, which forms part of our HCA governance framework. It enables us to continually improve our services to customers and will consider if our customer engagement service provides value for money. We find that the main benefit for us is to look at what we have done in the past and continue to move forward to ensure that we  identify better ways of doing things. This would then lead to increased customer satisfaction and improved services for our customers.  Wendy Wolfe: Customer Engagement Manager, Ongo Homes

Contractor Accreditation

Obtaining Tpas Contractor Accreditation has been essential in demonstrating to ourselves and others that we are market leading in delivering high standards of resident involvement and customer care.

Chris Graham, Business Development - Wates Living Space

Quality Mark for Sub-contractors and suppliers

The Quality Mark reassures our clients and their residents of our commitment to customer care and excellence.

Matt Lewis, Managing Director - Dodd Group