Landlord Re-Accreditation

Friday 1st of May 2020

Our client is one of the biggest housing associations in the UK who have been around for 80 years. Around 110,000 people live in 55,000 homes which cover all parts of England and Scotland. The group also provide long term integrated housing, health and social care. 

What were we approached to do?       

In 2016 the Group were successful in achieving the Tpas landlord accreditation for their approaches to Engagement and wanted to keep their accreditation status for a further 3 years so in late 2019 we had completed the Independent assessment stage and were due to go into the organisation to complete the reality checking stage with tenants, staff and board members

However given the current situation – and social distancing the face to face evidence gathering was not possible. 

What did we do?

We worked with key staff from the group to devise a virtual approach to the reality checking stage so we agreed the following plan:

  • Devise an online survey through survey monkey for key staff 
  • Devise an online survey through survey monkey for customers who had access to this technology 
  • Telephone interviews with a range of customers and clients 
  • Telephone interviews with a range of key staff where more in depth evidence was required
  • Telephone interviews with customers and clients were more in depth evidence was required
  • Utilising social platforms like workplace to do virtual face to face focus groups

What were the successful outputs and outcomes?

We are now mid way through this process of evidence gathering and although we have had to change the methodology for the reality checking stage – the outcomes and impact evidence that we are gathering is fantastic 

This approach to evidence gathering for Tpas landlord accreditation allows organisations to continue on their journey towards accreditation rather than having to wait weeks or months for the environment to change. 

Unexpected outcomes from this approach includes having that two way conversation with both staff, customers and clients that includes a general understanding and chat through peoples current situations as well as some people feeling that getting involved in new and different ways helps to combat loneliness and isolation  and gives them something meaningful to get involved in in these uncertain times as well as learning new skills.