Help us to help you with retrofit!

Friday 18th of November 2022

We need your input to shape of a range of resources which will support you to communicate with tenants about Net Zero and retrofit.

We’ve put together a survey to find out more about your retrofit plans and communication with customers, to help map out where the sector is now and how we can best support.


A link to the survey is here – it’s open until 1st December. This survey is targeted at colleagues working in sustainability or asset management.


Northern Housing Consortium, Placeshapers and Tpas are working together to develop key messages and create a suite of communications materials which social landlords will be able to access free of charge to communicate with tenants about net zero.


Decarbonisation of homes is a big priority for the sector. This project is an opportunity for us to work together to overcome challenges with communication and avoid duplication.


We’ll work with a tenants’ panel – putting them in the driving seat and making sure the resources we create meet their needs.


The NHC Social Housing Tenants’ Climate Jury recommended improving communication about climate change and retrofit. Research from Tpas and Placeshapers has also shown the importance of good communication if the sector is to successfully decarbonise thousands of homes.


Find the survey here