Tpas Grenfell Statement - 5th September 2024

Thursday 5th of September 2024

Yesterday saw the publication of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Phase Two Report.

There is a huge amount to take in from the document and we will engage with members once we’ve had the opportunity to reflect on the findings in full.

What is clear is that this is a truly heartbreaking and sobering read for everyone living and working in social housing.

When trust collapses between landlords and tenants, and when the voices of people living in social housing are left unheard, there are consequences – in this case, they were deadly.

Every death at Grenfell Tower was avoidable. This can never happen again.

Now, we must all play our part to make sure that the new system of regulation, which puts tenant voice at the heart of decision-making in our sector, actually works.

That means all of us across the sector embracing a culture of transparency and respect.

It is our actions and behaviours which will define this, not our words. That is what tenants want to see. And it is what they deserve.

Thousands of people are still sleeping every night in unsafe buildings. Seven years on from the fire, that is a national disgrace. We join the call from other groups for those responsible to be held to account.

Our hearts go out to all the survivors and bereaved families and our thoughts will always be with them.

Tpas believes that when the voice of tenants is heard, social housing works better – we will continue to fight for this cause.