“We must make sure the tenant voice is loud and proud”
Tuesday 8th of August 2017
“We must make sure the tenant voice is loud and proud”, said Nigel Wilson, chief executive of Wythenshawe Community Housing Group whilst being interviewed at the Tpas National Tenant Engagement Conference 2017.
Warm and outspoken, Nigel has a background of being a cooperative housing tenant, now being a CEO of a housing organisation who really ‘gets’ the value of involving tenants to shape services.
Within his interview, Nigel went on to describe how he’d like to see more tenants supported to take an active role in the governance of their organisation.
Nigel, a passionate and strong campaigner for more social housing discussed the need for a broad range of housing options. He also discussed the many different themes of working in communities to make a difference together including investing in environment, buildings and maintenance and working with young people.
Click on the link below to watch the interview in full.