Tpas news
Showing 196 to 200 of 356 articles.
Building a safer future - Consultation
Friday 7th of June 2019
The Secretary of State has published the consultation 'Building a safer future: proposals for reform of the building safety regulatory system' today, following the December implementation plan.
Topics: National Housing Policies, Regulation & Standards

Tpas at the CIH Conference 2019 - what are we up to?
Thursday 6th of June 2019
Tpas once again have a jam-packed schedule at the CIH Conference and Exhibition 2019 in Manchester later this month.

The IPPR Commission on Economic Justice Free Local events
Tuesday 14th of May 2019
The IPPR Commission on Economic Justice made the case for radical economic reform. IPPR is now embarking on a series of regional events engaging local policy communities and the wider public to discuss how the Commission’s findings can improve prosperity and economic justice for the regions and nations of the UK.

Tenant of the year 2018 passes away
Monday 13th of May 2019
We are extremely sorry to hear of the loss of Kay McCormack. Our thoughts go out to Kay’s family, friends, fellow volunteers and staff at Westminster Council.

New Tpas & Housing Ombudsman Complaints events
Thursday 2nd of May 2019
Due to popular demand we have launched 2 new Complaints events working in conjunction with the Housing Ombudsman.