Tpas talk
As a Tpas member you will receive our Tpas talk newsletter every two weeks on a Thursday.
It’s our way of keeping you informed about the things that we’ve been doing and to point you in the direction of important housing and sector news and new engagement information.
The type of information that you will find in our newsletter includes:
- Policy updates
- Research pieces
- Campaigns
- Tpas governance and business updates
- Tpas events
- Tpas project updates
- Tpas training courses
- Partner events and training
- Opinion pieces
- Good practice updates
- Vacancies
- Funding opportunities
- Member stories and recognition
- Opportunities to be involved
If you would like to receive our member newsletter please tell us your email address and we will add you to the distribution list.
Upcoming training and events
- Meeting Current Expectations in Complaint Handling
- End Furniture Poverty’ - how can you get involved? (Free)
- Introduction to Being a Board Member of a Housing Association
- Creating a Positive Engagement Culture
Latest news
- In Praise Of
- Evidence your influence! Talking to the regulator about tenant engagement.
- New Report Calls for Greater Inclusion of Ethnic Minority Voices in Social Housing Engagement
- Is There a Seat at The Table - Ethnic Minority Voices in Tenant Engagement